What Is Wet Weiss In Espresso?

What Is Wet Weiss In Espresso?

When brewing the perfect cup of coffee, agitation is crucial. Professional baristas often prefer the pour-over method for its thorough saturation of coffee grounds, leading to better extraction and a tastier cup of coffee. There are various ways to achieve saturation,...
How Does Moisture Evaporate During Coffee Roasting?

How Does Moisture Evaporate During Coffee Roasting?

During the roasting process, the coffee beans lose their moisture content due to heat, which causes the water molecules to transform into steam and escape from the beans. This process happens in stages during roasting, including: Drying Maillard reaction First crack...
What Is Fermented Coffee?

What Is Fermented Coffee?

Coffee that has been fermented in a controlled environment is called fermented coffee. Here are some important facts about fermented coffee: Controlled fermentation process: Fermented coffee is made through a carefully controlled fermentation process in which yeast...
How To Make A Perfect Espresso Shot

How To Make A Perfect Espresso Shot

Coffee beans are the cornerstone of a good espresso drink. Making an excellent shot of espresso relies heavily on the quality of the coffee beans you use. There are many different kinds of coffee beans, but espresso usually calls for a darker roast. Dark roast coffee...